Jubilee Living series January 26 - February 23, 2025 Join us for worship at 9:15 am live in the sanctuary or online. We welcome, without exclusion all who seek God's love and grace! Our current children's offering benefits SIM Bangladesh Arsenic Poisoning Prevention Program (www.simbd.org/appp). After worship, stay for fellowship and refreshments and Sunday school. […]
This committee oversees the Christian Education (Spiritual Formation) needs of the congregation and for planning programming to meet them.
The Vine is the newsletter of First Mennonite Church. Submissions should be emailed to the current editor, Cindi Schieber.
Jubilee Living series January 26 - February 23, 2025 Join us for worship at 9:15 am live in the sanctuary or online. We welcome, without exclusion all who seek God's love and grace! Our current children's offering benefits SIM Bangladesh Arsenic Poisoning Prevention Program (www.simbd.org/appp). After worship, stay for fellowship and refreshments and Sunday school. […]
The auction will follow a church potluck.
51st Annual Menno Night and Talent Show at City View (45 E. University Ave, in the Illinois Terminal).
The Vine is the newsletter of First Mennonite Church. Submissions should be emailed to the current editor, Cindi Schieber.
The Vine is the newsletter of First Mennonite Church. Submissions should be emailed to the current editor, Cindi Schieber.
FMC is reserved for a private recital. Margaret Escobar coordinating.
The Vine is the newsletter of First Mennonite Church. Submissions should be emailed to the current editor, Cindi Schieber.
The Vine is the newsletter of First Mennonite Church. Submissions should be emailed to the current editor, Cindi Schieber.