Worship is in person and online.
Office Hours are Tuesday – Friday 9:30 am – 2:30 pm.

February 9, 2025
9:15 am
Jubilee Living
Luke 10:25-37
Guest Preacher:
Dr. Jeff Trask,
CU Reparations Coalition
All are welcome!
Worship nursery is provided.
Sunday school classes for all ages
are offered during our
winter quarter (Dec. – Feb.).
Click here to view the Winter
class options.
[Click to view YouTube live or recorded services,
or contact the church for Zoom info.]
View past
Sunday Worship Bulletins

Our goal: raise $20,000 to provide
$3.1 million in medical debt relief
for 15 Counties in East Central IL
by March 16, 2025
First Mennonite Church will match
every dollar up to $10,000
toward the fundraising effort.
All donations will be 100% applied
to relieving medical debt.
WHY? Medical debt is the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the United States. In Illinois, more than 1.75 million residents currently carry an estimated $4 billion of erasable medical debt. Although the State of Illinois has designated funds to help relieve medical debt, it is not enough. The financial burden of medical debt can be overwhelming and insurmountable; it can interfere with people’s mental health and their ability to pay for basic needs.
In the spirit of the Bible’s Jubilee Year, which celebrates debt forgiveness as an act of compassion and justice, First Mennonite Church seeks to provide medical debt relief as love in action and an appropriate response to our current healthcare system.
HOW? In partnership with Undue Medical Debt, we are spearheading a community-wide fundraising campaign to provide medical debt relief in East Central Illinois. By embracing God’s call to love our neighbors, we can help bring hope to those in need. Together, we can raise $20,000, which will provide $3.1 million in medical debt relief to financially vulnerable people in 15 counties in East Central Illinois; people whose household income is at or below 400% of the federal poverty level or who have medical debt that’s 5% or more of their household income.
Please note that people cannot apply to have their medical debt relieved. Undue Medical Debt can only purchase and cancel medical debts from hospitals and health systems that sell or donate their debt portfolios to Undue Medical Debt.
Sunday worship – 9:15am in the sanctuary and online.
Other events and meetings are listed below:
Anti-Racism at FMC
View our commitments and ongoing work, explore songs, sermons, and educational resources, and connect with the Racial Justice Working Group.