Worship with Us

Worship 9:15 am

Worship begins on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am. When you arrive, a greeter will welcome you, provide a bulletin for the morning’s service, and help you find a seat. A typical service includes responsive reading, Scripture, a children’s story, sermon, offering collection, time for sharing and prayer, important announcements and, of course, music.

Our congregation intentionally fosters a variety of worship styles. The heart of our music is congregational singing, both traditional hymns and global music. In addition, our worship band plays once a month, and children and adults contribute regularly with instrumental and vocal pieces. There is broad participation in leading worship.

We acknowledge that some of us are more word-oriented, others more contemplative, others visually or musically inclined, and still others are focused on acting for peace and justice. Worship offers a range of opportunities for us to grow closer together as sisters and brothers in Christ, united in love and challenged to share God’s love with others.

Fellowship 10:45 am

Fellowship time begins when worship concludes. Come meet someone new and enjoy a cup of fair trade coffee or tea in the fellowship hall, on the lower level of the church.

Sunday School 11:15 am

Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults follow our fellowship time. Learn more about Sunday School options.

For Families with Children

First Mennonite Church (FMC) is a community of and for all ages. For children infant through preschool, nursery care is provided throughout worship and Sunday School (parents are asked to please attend to their children during the fellowship time). The nursery is located in the church basement.

Children who are kindergarten age and older are encouraged to join in the worship service, which includes a children’s story time when children are invited to gather at the front of the sanctuary.

First Mennonite Church is committed to providing a safe environment where all children can know and share God’s love. Nursery workers and Sunday School teachers are all trained in accordance with FMC’s Safe Church Policy (PDF).


Find us at the northwest corner of Springfield and Lincoln in Urbana. Parking and bike racks are located in the main lot on the north side of the building, off Lincoln Avenue. Overflow parking is available in the university lot southwest of Gregory and Springfield. You may enter the building at the north door steps (from the parking lot), east door (accessible elevator), or south entrance (facing Springfield).


Marked accessible parking spaces are available on the north side of the building. An elevator provides stairless access to all levels; enter on the east side of the building. Sunday morning greeters will be glad to assist you.


Dress is varied and casual.You’ll see shorts, jeans, and formal attire, so please wear what is comfortable for you.