Small Groups
Whether sharing a meal, studying Scripture, gathering to pray, playing games, or coming together to offer encouragement and support, connection and nurturing community are important parts of who we are. Below is a sampling of small group opportunities at First Mennonite.
Small Group Meetings
Small groups meet weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Some gather in homes, some at the church. Some share a meal; others gather for prayer, sharing, study, or all of the above.
New groups are typically formed in the winter, but group membership is flexible throughout the year. If you are interested in joining a small group, contact a pastor or talk with an elder.
Small Group Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction small groups gather to explore together how God is moving and speaking in their lives. Group members typically commit to meeting monthly for a year or more. Groups are guided by trained leadership. New groups form each Fall. If you are interested in joining a spiritual direction small group, please contact Pastor Debra.
Mid-Week Bible Studies
The Wednesday Zoom Bible Study meets at 8 am to discuss a Scripture passage (or two) from the upcoming Sunday’s Revised Common Lectionary selections. The group meets almost every week and discussion is facilitated by Pastor Michael.
The Thursday Morning Bible Study meets at 9:30 am in the church library, rotates discussion leaders, and chooses a different focus each semester. They typically do not meet during the summer.
Both groups include time for sharing and prayer and are open to anyone; come anytime.
Sports Teams
With participants ranging all ages and ability levels, sports teams compete in several local leagues, including volleyball (winter), ultimate frisbee (spring/fall), and softball (summer).
Social and Environmental Justice Groups
First Mennonite has several groups dedicated to social and environmental justice work:
The GREEN TEAM encourages congregational earth care initiatives and tends the Peace Garden west of the church. All are welcome.
The RACIAL JUSTICE WORKING GROUP seeks to engage our congregation and communities in ways that undo a legacy of white supremacy in American society.
The COLOMBIA SISTER CHURCH COMMITTEE supports the relationship with FMC’s sister church, Iglesia Evangelica Luternan el Divino Redentor (IELEDR), a Lutheran congregation located in Bucaramanga, a city of a half million people in northeast Colombia.
Other Informal Groups
Many FMC participants are involved in a variety of informal groups that form and reform often.
Sunday Small Groups
Young Adults
This group meets during the Sunday School hour each week, plus monthly (or more) for games, food, or other activities.
Coffee & Conversation
All are welcome to join in any Sunday for this discussion of current events, which takes place during the Sunday School hour.