The First Mennonite Church building is a busy place. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the mission of the congregation through active ministry to people of all ages and walks of life. The programs of First Mennonite receive top priority when it comes to building use.
Does First Mennonite allow use of the building for weddings of non-members?
We make the church available to people outside the congregation who are getting married, if scheduling allows. Detailed FAQs, building policies and fees are available in our “Wedding Packet”.
Does First Mennonite allow use of the building for community events?
It is our desire to be good neighbors within the larger community and in that spirit, we welcome community groups and individuals to use our facility in ways that fit with who we are and what we believe. Currently, we have a relationship with one community organization for ongoing use of our facility. Availability for this type of ongoing use is limited but can be considered. Local organizations and individuals also use our facilities for one-time or short-term use. Priority is then given to nonprofit groups that are supported by the church, and then to organizations and individuals requesting use of the building for non-profit events. Detailed building policies and fees are available in our “General Building Use” packet.
Steps to Scheduling an Event at First Mennonite Church (wedding and non-wedding)
Note: Events may not be scheduled more than six weeks in advance, except weddings.
- Contact the church office to inquire about availability. (217-367-5353 or office@fmc-cu.org)
- Review Building Use Policies and Fees.
- Complete the building use request form. (included in the facility and wedding packets linked above)
- Return the completed form to the church office.
- Staff will make a final evaluation and notify you about the decision.
- Payment of deposit as outlined in the fee schedule is required before the agreement is finalized.